Day 6 – Dreamworld

There was a booth at Harbour Town selling the theme park tickets so yesterday we were discussing which theme park should we go to because we didn’t have time to go to all 3. The lady recommended Dreamworld because there are more rides for the kids compared to Sea World and Movie World.

We arrived very early because we wanted to try all the rides if possible. The entrance ticket was not exactly cheap you know so we had to fully maximize it. As usual, Romi was in charge of planning what to ride first. We needed to make sure that both kids and adults will have a fabulous time.

We started off by entertaining the kids. We watched a movie at the Dreamworld Cinema. They were screening Bob’s Big Break in 3D. It’s a spin-off from Monsters vs Aliens.

Dreamworld Cinema showing B.O.B.'s Big Break
Dreamworld Cinema showing B.O.B.’s Big Break

Dini and Daneen were super excited because they loved watching Monsters vs Aliens. We played it many times too in our in-car entertainment system back home.

Adults turn next! The ride that Riz was very worried about. We could see Buzzsaw when we arrived and Riz already had butterflies in her stomach. The queue was rather long because it was the “schoolies week”. We took turns queueing for the ride because we couldn’t leave the kids alone by themselves. Romi and Riz were the first to go. The carriage stopped at its peak for a short while and when it was about to free-fall, Riz screamed “OH MY GOD!!!”

Buzzsaw... Can you see Romi and Riz?
Buzzsaw… Can you see Romi and Riz?

Renni and Daneen are quite unfortunate. They are brave enough to take all the rides but their height disallow them. Poor them! The rides that we, or should i say some of us, managed to ride are Mick Doohan’s Motocoaster, The Giant Drop, Tower of Terror II, Dronkey Flyers, Ogre-Go-Round, Vintage Cars, Gingy’s Gliders, Rocky Hollow Log Ride, Thunder River Rapids and Escape from Madagascar. We had such tremendous fun and I really want to return when the kids are much bigger and older.

Do share your views and post any questions you have in the comments box and I will have them answered in an instant! 🙂


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