Day 2 – Carrara Markets | Surfers Paradise

Carrara Markets is located close to Surfers Paradise and it is Australia’s largest market with more than 400 stalls selling variety of products from souvenirs to collectibles, jewelries to apparels, plants to home decors. You can find anything and everything there. It is only opened during weekends hence if we didn’t go today, we would miss it.

Romi was the first to spend by buying lollipops for the kids. Well, that’s his nature – making the kids happy. We started to walk around, unsure whether to burn our pocket here or at the factory outlet. Hubby and I were looking for a signage to place in front of our house that says “Welcome” and we found one in a shape of an owl. Very cute! I also got myself a cool, black & white checkered belt for only AUD10. What’s a flea market without a shop that sells souvenirs, right? We found a stall selling souvenirs and all of us bought magnets, keychains, and all sorts of items for our families and friends back home.

Kids activities
Kids activities

The best part about Carrara Markets is that children will not be bored when adults are taking their own sweet time to shop because there are plenty of activities for them too. When the time comes to rehydrate, you can sit back and relax at any of their cafes.

Next stop: Surfers Paradise!!!

Us at Surfers Paradise
Us at Surfers Paradise

Yay! Finally we had reached the famous Surfers Paradise. Time to look for a place to park. We intended to park at the roadside so that we didn’t have to walk very far to the beach. We found one but it was strictly for 1 hour only. Well, 1 hour would be fine.

Such a perfect weather to be in Surfers Paradise. It was cloudy, breezy and not at all crowded. We folded our pants to keep them away from the sand. We also took out our beach mat so that we could have a so-called picnic. Alas, whatever we did was pointless. The wind was blowing the powdery sands at us all the time. We let the children play for a while before heading to Cavill Mall.

Cavill Mall
Cavill Mall

We saw a halal Turkish restaurant along Cavill Mall and was tempted to have our dinner there but we’d decided to eat at home instead. We didn’t shop for anything at all because we’re going to Harbour Town in the next few days. Before driving home, I saw a halal restaurant selling chinese cuisine. Now that is something I cannot resist! I bought roasted half-chicken to eat later at home with the rest. We had such a fabulous time!

Do share your views and post any questions you have in the comments box and I will have them answered in an instant! 🙂


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