Tag Archives: Featherdale

My take on Sydney~

 Last updated: 19th February, 2015, 8:16 PM Sydney is commonly mistaken by many as the capital city of Australia. I’m guilty of that when I was young. Our initial plan was to go to Germany and BeNeLux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) but apparently serving the country took precedence for hubby hence we have to “discount” our year-end trip … Continue reading My take on Sydney~

Day 7 – Featherdale Wildlife Park | Shopping at Paddy’s Market

 Last updated: 19th February, 2015, 8:15 PM Hellooooo koalas! I went to Perth twice and both times I didn’t get to see any koalas, even at the zoo. How silly! When I went to Gold Coast, not only I got to see lots of koalas, I even got to carry one! Thank you Risa Aris once … Continue reading Day 7 – Featherdale Wildlife Park | Shopping at Paddy’s Market