Tag Archives: Blue Mountains

My take on Sydney~

 Last updated: 19th February, 2015, 8:16 PM Sydney is commonly mistaken by many as the capital city of Australia. I’m guilty of that when I was young. Our initial plan was to go to Germany and BeNeLux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) but apparently serving the country took precedence for hubby hence we have to “discount” our year-end trip … Continue reading My take on Sydney~

Day 3 – The Scenic World Blue Mountains

 Last updated: 11th February, 2015, 8:47 AM Rise and shine! We had to leave early because Blue Mountains is about 1½ hours away from our home. We packed tuna sandwiches and anchovies fritters in case we cannot find any halal foods. For the kids, it will be butter sandwiches instead just in case tuna might be … Continue reading Day 3 – The Scenic World Blue Mountains