NZBGet v16.4 for WD My Cloud firmware V4

For those who’s following WD My Cloud‘s post, a new APP has been added to the installer, NZBGet v16.4 for firmware V4. Built for speed, works everywhere – NZBGet is written in C++ and designed with performance in mind to achieve maximum download speed by using very little system resources.

Unfortunately the auto update has been disabled as the officially released ones are not 64K pagesize aligned. I’ll try to keep up with the posting of newer upcoming major versions.

As promised, my donors will get the priority to install my newer builds. I will post a new comment when it’s released to the public to be used with the anonymous credentials. Donors with donation credentials, please use this installer code on your WDMyCloud:

Updated: There’s a TLS connection issue reported to me with revision-1. It seems to be issues with GnuTLS and I’ve fixed it. Use the updated reversion-2 code above to reinstall if you have previously installed revision-1.

For setups and details, refer to

NZBGet v16.4


22 thoughts on “NZBGet v16.4 for WD My Cloud firmware V4”

  1. UPDATES: There’s a TLS connection issue reported to me with revision-1. It seems to be issues with GnuTLS and I’ve fixed it. Use the updated reversion-2 code above to reinstall if you have previously installed revision-1.

  2. UPDATES: NZBGet v16.4 for firmware V4 now released to public! More info from my WD My Cloud's post. Enjoy (-:

      1. I get the following error message with the new firmware:
        Error-1: Installation requires WDMyCloud single drive variant firmware v4+

        Maybe I try to downgrade to 4.04.02-105 ?

    1. I just tested with the latest firmware 04.04.03-113 and I can install it successfully. Were there any other mods done? I can help to take a look if you like.

      1. Hallo Nazar,

        after a successfully downgrade and install of nzbget I do an upgrade, install it again and everything is working.

        Thanks for your feedback.

        Kind regards,

  3. I entered the captcha, copied the 3 export commands into my ssh and used your curl command, but always get:
    sh: syntax error: unexpected redirection

    1. This only works for WD MyCloud single bay variant firmware v4. I don’t have any other MyCloud devices to support.

  4. Hello Nazar,

    Can you tell me how I can acces nzbget for my Ipad outside my home network to upload a nzbfile.

    Greets mike

    1. Hello Mike,

      You’ll need to forward port 6789 on your router to the MyCloud then access the webUI from your public IP e.g. http://yourip:6789.

  5. Can i install the nzbget without losing warranty?
    Is there a download link to install the software manually on wd ex2 ultra?

    Thanks in advanced.

    1. Any modifications including installing 3rd party softwares “may” void the MyCloud’s warranty.

      And sorry I don’t have any other MyCloud variant devices to support. These apps are for the 1st generation MyCloud single drive firmware v4.

    1. Hello Ronald,

      As you can see from my status, I’m no longer using MyCloud. It crashed with bad sectors after long 6 years. So to build this I’ll need root access to someone’s MyCloud for testing and of course some time. Contact me separately if you would like to volunteer.

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