SickRage v7.0.23 for WD My Cloud firmware V4

For those who’s following WD My Cloud‘s post, a new APP has been added to the installer, SickRage v7.0.23 for firmware V4. Automatic Video Library Manager for TV Shows. It watches for new episodes of your favorite shows, and when they are posted it does its magic.

Note that the package is quite large in this release and could take awhile to install. Sick Beard and SickRage runs on the same port 8081. Change either port from the WebGUI/config file if you plan to install both. It might take a few seconds for the WebGUI to become available on start. You can check it’s status: service sickrage status;.

The auto update feature might not work as MyCloud lacks build environment. I’ll try to keep up with the posting of newer upcoming major versions.

IMPORTANT: If you’re upgrading from major versions and experiencing issues, it’s recommended to start with a clean config: mv ~/.config/sickrage ~/.config/ '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S' && service sickrage restart;.

As promised, my donors will get the priority to install my newer builds. I will post a new comment when it’s released to the public to be used with the anonymous credentials. Donors with donation credentials, please use this installer code on your WDMyCloud:

For setups and details, refer to

SickRage v7.0.23
SickRage v7.0.23


One thought on “SickRage v7.0.23 for WD My Cloud firmware V4”

  1. UPDATES: SickRage v7.0.23 for firmware V4 now released to public! More info from my WD My Cloud‘s post. Enjoy (-:

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