Day 4 – Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary

I believe I spoke for everyone that this was the most anticipated itinerary. Well, especially for me because it’s my birthday!!! It’s my first time celebrating with koalas… hehehe…

Initially, I suggested that we go to Steve Irwin Zoo to see the koala bears. Romi recommended Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary instead because it’s in Gold Coast. Furthermore, Groupon sold the family entrance tickets rather cheap which includes an exclusive photo-taking with a baby crocodile. It was a real good deal! So off we went for our dates with the koalas.

I didn’t know what medicine Romi took in the morning because he was super hyper. 90% of the time, he was mimicking the late Steve Irwin which made our trip very entertaining. The best part about visiting any tourist attractions with Romi is, he will study the area map and coordinate the timings for all the shows. This really maximizes the money and time spent.

We saw cockatoos, wallabies, dingoes, cassowaries, echidnas, wombats and many more. We were also fortunate enough to see a peacock walking freely, showing off its beautiful feathers.

<center>Beautiful peacock</center>
Beautiful peacock

We stopped by a small eatery to buy drinks where there were several other birds roaming around near us. It was pretty cool!

The best part about Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary is that most of the animals are not caged. We got to touch and pet kangaroos and emus. Everyone was so excited! Well, except for Daneen because she was busy chasing the crows instead (I seriously didn’t know why).

While waiting for the crocodile feeding show, we sat at a small hut where the photo taking with baby alligator will be and eat the sandwiches that we brought. Shortly, small dragon lizards approached us one by one which reminded us of the movie Jurassic Park. We quickly left and sat on the ground instead. Thank goodness we brought our picnic mat. We managed to watch 4 shows and the one I enjoyed the most was the Free Flight Bird Show. It was very informative and entertaining.

At the Aboriginal Dance Show, a guy was requesting for volunteers to dance with them. All of us called out Rossi’s name thinking that he would enjoy it. To our horror, he started to cry in the midst of the show and refused to dance. I laughed so hard looking at how scared he looked. I know it was mean of me but it was really funny. After the show ended, the guy gave Rossi a souvenir for his bravery.

Before we left, we took a picture with the koalas because that was the only chance we could carry it. We really had loads of fun especially with great company.

Do share your views and post any questions you have in the comments box and I will have them answered in an instant! 🙂


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