Disclaimer: As I’m frequently updating the original guides and installers here on TeaNazaR.com, I will not be responsible for any brick issues if you were to follow my obsolete guides copied elsewhere. Thus subscribe to this post to get latest updates. Modifying any part of a device may void its warranty.
Looking for the original WDMyCloud guides posted by me? They can be found on the WD Community forum as below. Ищите оригинальные инструкции к WDMyCloud, написанные мной? Они могут быть найдены на форуме Сообщества WD по ссылкам ниже. Buscando las guías originales WDMyCloud escritos por mí? Se pueden encontrar en el foro de Comunidad WD como abajo. 寻找张贴了我原来的WDMyCloud导游?他们可以在下面的WD社区论坛上找到。
Please be reminded that these installers are only meant for WDMyCloud single drive variant (firmware V4 and above), not Mirror/EX2/EX4 as I do not have those other devices to support them. You’ll need to reinstall them again after every firmware upgrade. Thanks a lot to those who has donated generously, rest assured you’ll continue to get full priority support from me (-:
- CloudDAVMod various versions for firmware V4 NEW! v1.1-04.05.00-353 (29th Jan 2022)
- Transmission various versions for firmware V4
- MiniDLNA original/patched for firmware V4
- Syncthing various versions for firmware V4
- CrashPlan various versions for firmware V4
- qBittorrent various versions for firmware V4
- CouchPotato various versions for firmware V4
- SickRage various versions for firmware V4
- NZBGet various versions for firmware V4
- BubbleUPnP Server v0.9-update10 for firmware V4
- Sick Beard alpha-build507 for firmware V4
- WebHosting Mods v1.0.0 for firmware V4
- FlexGet various versions for firmware V4
- pyLoad v0.4.9 for firmware V4
Hello Nazar,
do you have an idea how to install “screen” to WD My Cloud?
Would you support it?
Hello Attila,
You’ll need to compile several dependencies not only screen. I’m quite busy nowadays spending less time with the MyCloud but as a donor I’ll try to build it for you when I got the time. Also I need to redo my development environment as the previous one got lost after crashing my laptop harddisk. Give me some time.
Hello Attila,
Please use your donation credentials to install Screen:
curl teanazar.com/installer.fcgi?screen_4.2.1-1|sh;
Thank you Nazar,
it works, nice job 🙂
Hi! Can’t enter captcha. as soon as I try to enter characters, I am again thrown to the page uclaut.net
Hi Nazar
I’ve been struggling for days, but I can’t get the necessary data.
I get this message over the video “Can’t find the username and password? get the credentials from me or refer to the FAQ below (-:
Please help, thank you in advance
Transmission Updated! [20190306] Version 2.94 released. See here for details: http://teanazar.com/2019/03/transmission-v2-94-for-wd-my-cloud-firmware-v4/
CloudDAVMod Updated! [20190331] Version 1.1-04.05.00-334 released. If you’re using the WebGUI, clear your browser’s cache i.e. CTRL+SHIFT+F5. See here for details: http://teanazar.com/2016/09/clouddavmod-v1-1-for-wd-my-cloud-firmware-v4/
Hi Nazar, can’t get anonymous credentials after step 2 with adversity, it come back, auto scroll and didn’t get captcha field ♂️
Same here.
I have the same problem.
Previously, i.e. some months ago (with the previous version of Transmission), it went alright.
But not this time.
In WD board, I described what I tried.
Hi I have followed the process but I get into the transmission app a pop-up “Could not connect to the server. You may need to reload the page to reconnect.”
I have pressed details and edited the configuration file, “Add the hostname you want to use to the whitelist in settings.If you’re editing settings.json, see the ‘rpc-host-whitelist’ and ‘rpc-host-whitelist-enabled’ entries.”
So i have set rpc-host-whitelist-enabled to true and into the rpc-host-whitelist i have added ‘wdmycloud’
Could you please tell me if I have done something wrong?
Remove the config file then reinstall from the installer. It will set everything for you.
It seems that is not easy to override the configuration file as when i do i run the command transmission-stop and transmission-daemon and the configuration file is back to its previous value, in the end not is working.
You need to stop it first before saving the config then restart.
Can you please fix your credentials so that they actually work with modern browsers????
Currently it wont work in any version of Chrome, Edge or Firefox which i have tried, the java script just reloads the same page repeatedly and when you click on the captch runs an ad
Basically your website clickjacks users, not cool, not cool at all.
Hi. The credentials will not appear. I tried on three different browsers and two IPs with all adblockers off/cookies enabled/etc.