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P/S: There's also a donation button of any generous amount to buy me coffee (-:
If you’re happy with these free contributions, the least you could do is to click the “heart like” icon on the first thread of the post in the WD forum.


Disclaimer: As I’m frequently updating the original guides and installers here on TeaNazaR.com, I will not be responsible for any brick issues if you were to follow my obsolete guides copied elsewhere. Thus subscribe to this post to get latest updates. Modifying any part of a device may void its warranty.

Looking for the original WDMyCloud guides posted by me? They can be found on the WD Community forum as below. Ищите оригинальные инструкции к WDMyCloud, написанные мной? Они могут быть найдены на форуме Сообщества WD по ссылкам ниже. Buscando las guías originales WDMyCloud escritos por mí? Se pueden encontrar en el foro de Comunidad WD como abajo. 寻找张贴了我原来的WDMyCloud导游?他们可以在下面的WD社区论坛上找到。

Please be reminded that these installers are only meant for WDMyCloud single drive variant (firmware V4 and above), not Mirror/EX2/EX4 as I do not have those other devices to support them. You’ll need to reinstall them again after every firmware upgrade. Thanks a lot to those who has donated generously, rest assured you’ll continue to get full priority support from me (-:


789 thoughts on “WDMyCloud”

  1. Dear Naazar,

    Currently, I am not able to download the webhosting-mods 1.0.0 with the free credential and keep showing Error-10. Is it available to whom already donated?

    Thanks for your great work!

  2. Thanks dude, it is working like a charm and your guide was so straight forward that it allowed me to install everything in 15 minutes (never used ssh client before)

    What is a typical donation that would make you happy? 🙂

    1. No problem glad it helps. I have not and will never specify the donation amount. It’s up to one’s sincerity and generosity.

  3. Trying to install Transmission from, but see the same error all the time:
    “Downloading -> transmission_2.84-1 (2,498,914Bytes)…
    Error-9: Unable to retrieve required files! Network lag or invalid request encountered. Retry using the permanent donation credentials from your DonationID if you have or try again few hours later.”

    1. You got 6secs+ ping reply. Either your device or network is lagging. Try restarting your router and/or MyCloud then retry again when your download limit ends.

      1. Restarted both router and MyCloud, but got the same error.
        Also I did “wget http://teanazar.com/tag/clouddavmod-v1-0/” from MyCloud several times, and didn’t noticed lags. Download speed is only about 100 KB/s, but it starts downloading a file without a delay.

        1. Internet speed is not the concern here, but latency is and how fast your MyCloud respond to the requests is the factor. I’m sure you got the lag warning when running the installer, 6secs+ is a lot and I can’t tell what’s wrong on your side unless I look in it. I have a 1Gbps upload and there’s been many successful downloads to date. Use the top command to see if there’s anything slowing down your MyCloud.

  4. MiniDLNA still only available for donors since August? Error says “wait till it’s released to the public in next few days.” and it is months already.

    1. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I’ve no time to update it for the public.

  5. I can not go to your site from Russia (earlier in November there were no problems). I only go through the freegate. Do not know what might be the problem?

    1. Some ISP IP subnets are automatically banned due to brute force attacks. For donors, if you have issues connecting, use the feedback form link to report it.

  6. Hi,

    thanks for providing this free of charge. I was thinking about trying it out and donating later on if it worked well for me.

    Unfortunately I can’t get it to download, as the console escapes with “sh: syntax error: unexpected redirection”
    My Cloud is running on 2.11.168

    Any way to get around this?
    Kind regards

    1. These auto installers only supports the 1st generation of the MyCloud firmware v4. I ever helped one of my donors to install on the 2nd generation but it’s a manual job.

  7. Hi Nazar.

    Can’t get a credential for the last five days for WdMyCloud Transmission. Clicking the captcha forwards the ads page, I wait for 5 seconds but whenever I continue I stucked with “Can’t find the username and password on this page? ” loop. I tried with chrome, mozilla, iexplorer without adblocking software. Is there a problem?


    1. Refer to the F.A.Q. Also watch the video on how to use it because you can’t get the credentials directly from the page without going through the steps.

        1. I just tested and everything was fine. There’s also many successful installations from others I saw in my logs. Read the F.A.Q. also watch the video. If you still have issues, contact me directly using the feedback form with your DonationID at the bottom of this page.

      1. Dear Nazar,

        I was already using transmission and tried to install it again after firmware upgrade. I ınstalled three times before but it seems stucked now. Watched the videos, read faq already. I have already tried to make a donation and get a privilleged account but paypal doesn’t work in Turkey. If you provide a direct credit card payment other than paypal it is ok for me. Thanks for your effort.


        1. What do you mean by stuck? Without details there’s not much help can be rendered.

          You don’t need PayPal account to donate especially if it’s not available in your country. Just click on the donate link and choose credit card instead of logging into PayPal. You can also use proxy/VPN but I’ll need to update your original IP after that so you can authenticate successfully with the installer because the DonationID is tied to your public IP.

  8. Hi Nazar,

    I have the same issue with geting credentials to Transmission as Kerlm and Rushab. After clicking on captcha and waiting through second ad, I´m redirected back to this page, but the captcha is gone and there is just the instruction video again. I´ve tried all available browsers on macOS and Win10.

    1. Seems that adfly made an unexpected changes on their side. Need to wait for them to fix it as I have no time to redo the codes.

  9. Hi Nazar,

    I followed the steps to enter Capcha to get the credentials but i fell into an endless loops of popup ads.

    I saw the capcha , clicked into the box, supposing after the ad page it returns to the capcha enabling me to enter but it wasn’t showing.

    hopefully you can provide a fix. thanks

    1. See my previous reply to Vaca. For the time being I can’t do much unless it affects the donors.

      1. So there is a “problem” the last 20 days and we can’t install unless we make a donation.
        I smell click-bait “problem” there.

        If you don’t won’t to give it free (with some ads, it’s ok) just tell it and don’t let us click in an infinite loop.

        1. More than 15 thousand users has been installing freely since late 2014, in fact even more than that before I started counting. There are also others who I’ve helped privately during my free time because they showed me gratitude which obviously you lack of. The problem is not mine, haven’t you read and comprehend the recent comments even before you start freeloading? So should I try to fix problems that’s not mine after being accused? Nah need not reply as it will probably end up in the trash. I got other important things to do…

          1. If you are having problems with free method, just donate something to Nazar, he has helped many times in private and was always successful.
            Even when I asked him to update some of his software he promptly did it.
            He well deserves the donated money.
            Thanks Nazar for all your help! =)

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