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P/S: There's also a donation button of any generous amount to buy me coffee (-:
If you’re happy with these free contributions, the least you could do is to click the “heart like” icon on the first thread of the post in the WD forum.


Disclaimer: As I’m frequently updating the original guides and installers here on TeaNazaR.com, I will not be responsible for any brick issues if you were to follow my obsolete guides copied elsewhere. Thus subscribe to this post to get latest updates. Modifying any part of a device may void its warranty.

Looking for the original WDMyCloud guides posted by me? They can be found on the WD Community forum as below. Ищите оригинальные инструкции к WDMyCloud, написанные мной? Они могут быть найдены на форуме Сообщества WD по ссылкам ниже. Buscando las guías originales WDMyCloud escritos por mí? Se pueden encontrar en el foro de Comunidad WD como abajo. 寻找张贴了我原来的WDMyCloud导游?他们可以在下面的WD社区论坛上找到。

Please be reminded that these installers are only meant for WDMyCloud single drive variant (firmware V4 and above), not Mirror/EX2/EX4 as I do not have those other devices to support them. You’ll need to reinstall them again after every firmware upgrade. Thanks a lot to those who has donated generously, rest assured you’ll continue to get full priority support from me (-:


789 thoughts on “WDMyCloud”

    1. I’m not sure how this app is workable on the Linux based MyCloud? It’s a standalone app I noticed only in APK which means only available to Android based devices.

      1. yeah, probably , I just looking for some alternative pyload is not so good …..thnx anyway .

  1. Hello Nazar,
    I apologize if i have violated your rules by mistake but I was banned from downloading miniDLNA. I am unaware of how this might happen, but would it be possible for you to remove the ban if you may?
    Thank you for your help in advance!

    1. If you’re behind a proxy, use my alternate port 8245 instead. Proxies tends to modify the original request which could cause unexpected results.

  2. Trying to install Transmission but i get the Error-13 each time i try.
    I am willing to donate if i can get support for installing my needed services + mycloud optimisation.

    1. If you need personal support or remote assistance, contact me via the feedback form stating your “Donation ID”.

    1. As stated in the main article, all these are only for firmware V4. You will not be able to install them on other firmwares.

  3. Hello,how to install transmission for WD MY cloud 3 tb with firmware v04.04.02-105?

    1. Click on the “Transmission various versions for firmware V4” link on top of this page and read the instructions.

    1. The captcha broke on the recent php7 update. I’ll need some free time to work on it perhaps over the weekends.

      1. Thank you for answering. I hope you will find your free time on weekends, very very hope:))))

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