Birthday at Swensen's


Looks like you still want to read this. Ok here it goes… 😊

Celebrating my birthday this year is rather different. A couple of my friends said that I finally celebrate my birthday in Singapore this year. That’s not true. Last year, I was actually in Singapore on my birthday because we went to Japan on the 29th November. But… I do try to arrange for our annual year-end holidays either on mine or Dini’s birthday so maybe that’s why it’s perceived that way. 😉

(NO) Thanks to COVID, most of us are grounded so we can’t travel for leisure. Though some countries have opened up their borders, overseas holidays are unnecessary. There’s risk, and there’s also additional cost to pay for SDF. Oh, that’s short for Stay-Home Notice (SHN) Dedicated Facility (SDF). In short, just not worth it.

But this year’s celebration is extra special because I’m surrounded by my beloved family… My big family! It feels complete, finally… And there’s nothing that I want more other than this. So, celebrating my 39th during pandemic is not that bad after all. We’ll see if I can travel somewhere special on my 4-decade birthday. Until then… stay safe!

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