Queuing for the Transformers ride

Looking back at 2020~

Goodbye 2020! Our love-hate relationship was bittersweet and intense! Nonetheless, 2020 has been rather unique so I thought it’ll be good to recap what has happened. Here it goes…

– New adventure for Dini as she embark to her new school which is just next to her sister, Daneen. I’m a proud mother of a Clementian and a Clementeen.
– Everyone starts to find out more about the new kid on the block >> COVID19.
– Down with high fever a couple of days before CNY. Suckiest feeling ever. Temperature was super high but I felt super cold. Throat was dry, Body was weak. No, I did not have the COVID19 – thank you.

D`Sofia back to school
D`Sofia back to school

– Singapore raised Risk Assessment to Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) Orange. 
– Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs >> Toilet paper, toilet paper, toilet paper, toilet paper, toilet paper.
– COVIDIOTS were born.

Bags of rice nearly sold out
Bags of rice nearly sold out

– Despite the arising pandemic, we proceed with our trip because the airline won’t refund our money.
– Good news is, we covered another continent >> Africa!
– Holidayed to South Africa and stopped over in Abu Dhabi on the way back.
– Abang and his family moved in, bringing us closer together…

TeaNazar & D`Sofia in Abu Dhabi
TeaNazar & D`Sofia in Abu Dhabi

– CB is still an offensive word but with different meaning.
– First time ever to get a paycut. (Really CB!!) Luckily there’s Temporarily Relief Fund given by the government.
– I was forced to Work From Home (WFH) no matter how hard I try to say no (yeah right! 😁)
– Kiddos started Home-Based Learning (HBL).
– 1st world problem: closure of McDonald’s and bubble tea shops
– Rossi and Renni moved in – 4th generation cousins reunited.
– Celebrated April baby.

Jum's birthday
Jum’s birthday

– Retrenchment wave. Thank Allah I was not affected.
– School holidays were brought forward since students are studying from home. Alhamdulillah because it’s Ramadhan so the kiddos were able to get plenty of rest.
– Celebrated May baby.
– First time congregating Eid prayer at home led by my nephew, Eka Satria.

Eidul fitri
Eidul fitri

– Eased of circuit breaker with Phase 1 (safe re-opening) and Phase 2 (safe transition) approach.
– Finally we’re able to dine out but limited to 5 pax only.
– I chopped off my hair.
– Had an accident with a motorbike
– Got a hamster and the kiddos named her Vanilla
– My prayers were answered and I finally managed to bury the hatchet. 

New addition to the family: Vanilla
New addition to the family: Vanilla

– All families reunited. Blessed way to begin the 2nd half of the year.
– Team Altitude was formed. Couldn’t ask for a better Team Leader.
– Singapore General Election. More seats won in parliament for the opposition parties.
– Celebrated July babies.

Ayah and Hunny's birthday
Ayah and Hunny’s birthday

– Celebrated August babies.
– Street Fighter MASINDO tournament 2020. Boys champion won by Romi, Girls champion won by Renni.
– Romi and Riz moved in. Families getting closer and stronger.

Boys champion
Boys champion
Girls champion
Girls champion

– First time tried rock climbing. Surprisingly, I enjoyed it!
– Celebrated September baby.
– Went to office after 6 months of working from home.
– Found out that my BBF has a bun in the oven!!!

First time rock climbing
First time rock climbing

– Got another 2 hamsters to accompany Vanilla. The kiddos named them Sugar and Mint.

Newest addition to the family: Sugar & Mint
Newest addition to the family: Sugar & Mint

– My favourite month of course!
– Went with my B.B.Fs to The Atrium for their buffet lunch for the first time >> They’re having 1-for-1 promo. 
– Celebrated my birthday at Swensen’s with my family. Check-out ***WARNING! CLICHÉ BIRTHDAY POST!***

Beautiful birthday cake by Yaya
Beautiful birthday cake by Yaya

– Worked in US Embassy for the first time.
– Had fun shooting and editing my team’s Lip Sync Battle video. Still can’t believe that we lost to meaningless zombies. Hahahaha!
– Celebrated Dini’s birthday at The Minds Cafe. So little time, so many board games to play. We defo have to go again!
– Abang and his family have decided to have a month-long staycation at Loyang chalet before moving to his new home.
– Made my own cheeseboard for the first time!
– Movie marathon at home in-lieu of countdown. 

Dini's birthday at The Minds Cafe
Dini’s birthday at The Minds Cafe</center

There you go… There are actually more things to cover but these are just some of the highlights that I can remember. How will 2021 fare? Just need to wait for another 365 days okie! 😉


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