Transmission v3.00 for WD My Cloud firmware V4

For those who’s following WD My Cloud‘s post, a new APP has been added to the installer, Transmission v3.00 for firmware V4. Transmission has the features you want from a BitTorrent client: encryption, a web interface, peer exchange, magnet links, DHT, uTP, UPnP and NAT-PMP port forwarding, webseed support, watch directories, tracker editing, global and per-torrent speed limits, and more.

Please note that my WDMyCloud NAS has been dismantled and decommissioned due to many bad sectors thus I could not test out the app thoroughly. I’m also no long active in the WD forum so if there’s any issues please post it here.

Note that if you’re unsure about Linux file permissions and such, please download all torrents into /root/Downloads which has been symlinked to /shares/Public/Transmission/Downloads for easy access from Windows/Mac. If you change the download location, you’ll have to manually apply the appropriate ownership and permissions.

WDMyCloud is not powerful enough to do heavy torrenting. To prevent WDMyCloud hanging, limit your connections i.e. 50 and downloads to only one at a time while queueing the rest.

And most IMPORTANTLY ensure you DO NOT download torrents into the 2GB rootfs partition ‘/’ or you will have system issues when the rootfs gets full.

As promised, my donors will get the priority to install my newer builds. I will post a new comment when it’s released to the public to be used with the anonymous credentials. Donors with donation credentials, please use this installer code on your WDMyCloud:

For setups and details, refer to For backup & restore before you upgrade or themes installation, refer to my old post at the WD forum.

Transmission v3.00
Transmission v3.00

45 thoughts on “Transmission v3.00 for WD My Cloud firmware V4”

  1. Как получить доступ на установку?

    1. Hi Javier,

      No problem, I’ve updated your records. Please retry.

      1. hello, nazar, the isp that I use in my weekend house has filters that did not let me download the transmission, but now I have brought the wdmycloud back to my house in the center, please, could you re-assign the ip ?

  2. Hi Nazar,

    Trying to download Transmission v3 to my WD but I get this:
    Error-10: Unable to retrieve required files!
    Can you check my credentials, please?


          1. Your IP changed too frequently. I did some changes. Can you try again?

      1. Hi Nazar,
        But I can’t install

        “Error-10: Unable to retrieve required files! As promised to my donors, they will be the first to receive newer builds. Retry using the permanent donation credentials from your DonationID if you have or wait till it’s released to the public in next few days.”

        1. Hi Stanislav,

          I’ve checked your records and its valid. You need to use the donation credentials. Refer back to the automated email that you received previously from this site. It contains the credentials and how to use it.

  3. Hello Nazar,

    i need also a new Build for my transmission. i have a WDMyCloud EX2 is it possible to install this new version on my NAS? Sorry for my bad english, i never learned it.

    I hope u can help my, because WD say it is not there problem to update this programm and i must say i am a noob.

    Thanks for answer me.

    1. Sorry, it’s only for the 1st gen mycloud single bay.

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