For those who’s following WD My Cloud‘s post, a new APP has been added to the installer, a newer improved CloudDAVMod v1.1 for firmware V4. This is my original release (-:

On top of re-enabling the remote drive mapping which WD has unexpectedly removed from MyCloud, this mod provides a basic WebDAV webGUI based file manager that integrates seamlessly beneath the existing WD MyCloud Dashboard.

No additional backend daemons. Fast, secure, light-weight yet powerful and easy to use (-:
- Completely bypass MyCloud.com account login. It’s directly between you and your MyCloud NAS. With a personal DDNS 3rd party service, CloudDAVMod should work well even behind strict corporate firewalls or computers that blocks cloud services.
- Unlimited filesize transfers where the usual mapped drives has a platform specific WebDAV filesize limit.
- Common file/folder functions such as copy/paste/move/delete/rename/mkdir and advanced search/properties/export with keyboard shortcuts to these functions.
- Multiple uploads via single mass selection OR Drag&Drop files from the desktop directly into a supported HTML5 browser.
- HTML5 image previewer with navigation/zoom/pan/rotate support, HTML5 audio streamer with matching filename M3U playlist track order and track title support and HTML5 video streamer with matching filename SRT subtitles support.
- System panel for MyCloud Dashboard admins; CPU/RAM/Disk/Network/Process usage, S.M.A.R.T. temperature, run simple WWW-SSH commands with simple color support, remote reboot/shutdown and download system logs.
- MyCloud file/folder auto expiring URL links sharing with captcha and password protected zip. Safely share your selected files and/or folders with anyone!
This version of CloudDAVMod is only compatible with WD MyCloud firmware version 4 as listed at the end of this post here. You will not be able to install otherwise. An updated CloudDAVMod version will be released soon upon newer firmware updates.
Disclaimer: As I’m frequently updating the original guides and installers here on TeaNazaR.com, I will not be responsible for any brick issues if you were to follow my obsolete guides copied elsewhere. Thus subscribe to this post to get latest updates. Modifying any part of a device may void its warranty.
This will install new and modify existing MyCloud core files, hence may void its warranty. After installing, open your browser and point to the local URL stated in the installer.
Note that you’ll see HTTPS security error prompt, just proceed, on some browsers, you’ll need to click on ‘advanced’ prior.

Login using any of your existing WD MyCloud Dashboard accounts then click on the ‘?’ help icon for usage details. Extremely slow browsing after initial installation? Or what is the remote URL to access externally? Please carefully read and understand the notes section from the ‘?’ help window as they covers most of these questions.
Why is browsing slow on both WebGUI and network drive?
You need to build the WebDAV cache for the first time. Details found on the WebGUI itself in the “?” help notes section.
How to remotely access CloudDAVMod or map MyCloud to a network drive?
First of all, CloudDAVMod will NOT work if your MyCloud is in “relay mode”, check the WD MyCloud Dashboard network settings. This is usually the case if you’re in multi-NAT environment. If so, you’ll then need to manually forward the relevant ports from your router. Refer to the ‘?’ help notes section for the port details.
The remote URL to access CloudDAVMod externally or to map a network drive remotely is clearly stated in the ‘?’ help notes section mentioned above, so again please read them carefully. It’s something like:
- Take note of the required ‘HTTPS‘.
- The ‘:PORT‘ is optionally omitted if it’s port 443.
- And ‘HOSTNAME‘ is case-sensitive.
To access from the browsers i.e. Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge, Opera, Safari or mobile browsers, just go to the specified URL stated in the help section. Best to bookmark them for easy access. To map onto a network drive, use the simple similar methods on different OSes described below providing the same URL. Note that the default port is ‘443’ if requested unless stated otherwise.
- Windows (Explorer): From menu, click Computer, Map network drive (or right-click on ‘This PC’ icon).
- Mac (Finder): From menu, click Go, Connect to Server (or Command-K).
- Linux (Nautilus): From menu, click File, Connect to Server.
If this the first time you’ve heard about WebDAV network drive mapping, please do some research about it. Example there’s a known 4GB file size limit for mapped network drive. A work around is to use the CloudDAVMod WebGUI instead. The network drive is best used for smaller files like editing documents, pictures and music files. If you’re dealing with larger files i.e. few hundreds megabytes to gigabytes in size, certain OS like Windows may stall for a while e.g. trying to right-click on a 1GB video file. So best is to stick with the more responsive CloudDAVMod WebGUI.
As promised, my donors will get the priority to install my newer builds. I will post a new comment when it’s released to the public to be used with the anonymous credentials. Donors with donation credentials, please use this installer code on your WDMyCloud:
For the older firmware, refer to the previous CloudDAVMod v1.0. If you’re upgrading, remember to clear your browser’s cache i.e. CTRL+SHIFT+F5.
For firmware 04.05.00-353:
curl teanazar.com/installer.fcgi?clouddavmod_1.1-04.05.00-353|sh;
Updates: Planned to release a final version after WD support for this model ends after April 15, 2022. The final version should include updates to the HTTPS certificate in order to continue using the MyCloud online such as remote drive mapping. Testing is in progress but eventually it depends if there’s a final version released by WD.
For firmware 04.05.00-342:
curl teanazar.com/installer.fcgi?clouddavmod_1.1-04.05.00-342|sh;
For firmware 04.05.00-334:
curl teanazar.com/installer.fcgi?clouddavmod_1.1-04.05.00-334|sh;
Fixed: Fullscreen toggle, ‘about:blank’ and ‘ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded’ errors.
For firmware 04.05.00-327:
curl teanazar.com/installer.fcgi?clouddavmod_1.1-04.05.00-327|sh;
Updated: JQuery v3.3.1.
Fixed: Possible scheduler issue causing drive not going to sleep.
For firmware 04.05.00-320:
curl teanazar.com/installer.fcgi?clouddavmod_1.1-04.05.00-320|sh;
Fixed: Issue starting server due to paths with spaces. Settings changed scheduler not triggered due to wrong permissions.
For firmware 04.05.00-315:
curl teanazar.com/installer.fcgi?clouddavmod_1.1-04.05.00-315|sh;
Updated: JQuery v3.2.1. Folders are now grouped top of the list for all manual sorting and search functions which should be the normal behavior.
Fixed: Error on browsers with plugins that modifies or broke user agent strings. Issues with parts display global array not reinitialized in new search results. Search list not displaying the first result. Cleanup ANSI color/style character leftovers from WWW-SSH Panel. Media streamer status still fading away even there’s mouse movements.
For firmware 04.04.05-101:
curl teanazar.com/installer.fcgi?clouddavmod_1.1-04.04.05-101|sh;
New: System panel for MyCloud Dashboard admin. MyCloud file/folder auto expiring links sharing with captcha and password protected zip. Search recursively by any type/size/modified deep into paths via Unix find . Detailed properties and folder usage via Unix stat / du in Context-Menu. Image previewer with navigation/zoom/pan/rotate support. M3U playlist track order and track title support. Used and total share sizes in stats panel. Root shares sizes on home page size column. Range selections to expand or reverse with [SHIFT] or Context-Menu. Export selections to CSV formatted file.
Updated: JQuery v3.1.0. Improved help sections, subtitle error detection and page loadings. Changed to client side column sortings to adapt the new search and range select functions, hence toggling selections are now affected only on visible parts/filtered items and all selections will now reset during filtering. Allow browser’s autocomplete in inputs. Allow text selections in help dialog. Visual alerts when certain functions are restricted. Filesize in media streamer status. To allow play next events, clicking on any stream media during a non-stop loop play mode will now continue the playback from there instead of previously ending the loop mode. Tooltips will many infos will now stay visible unless page scrolled or cursor moved. List tooltips will now show root share sizes in home page or show track order and track title when the new available M3U playlist support loads. Retain copied item selections when navigating back to its originating path. The top selected/copied cursor hovered list indicator will now reveal which are the copied items among selected ones. Folder size column are now displayed as 4K block size unless populated from shares in the home page. WebDAV caches are now automatically updated if required by just opening the help section.
Fixed: Minor installer bug, codes cleanup and UI performance. Parts display exceeding item list. Keyboard sort tooltips typo. Tooltips appearing fixed top-left on certain mobile browsers. Stats size not including less than 1Kbytes items. [CTRL]+A, [CTRL]+C and [CTRL]+V shortcuts behavior when there’s text input. Vary header Chrome caching issues. Case-sensitive and folder rename. Further sanitization of URIs with non-standard or controlled characters that caused file/media operation failures. RegExp filter results count should reflect as per-row. AJAX array issues, changed to hash object. Scroll and click events triggered more than once. Context-Menu hidden on fullscreen video stream, hence missing out the ‘Lock screen’ feature. Media streamer doesn’t stop loading current data on next or close events, had to unload by force on buggy browsers. Forced logout for browsers caching the credentials. WebDAV permissions sometimes not reloaded.
For firmware 04.04.04-101:
curl teanazar.com/installer.fcgi?clouddavmod_1.1-04.04.04-101|sh;
Hi Nazar
WD has released the final Firmware version 04.06.00-111. Is the latest release on this page compatible with WD’s latest firmware?
It’s not compatible yet. I’ll release it soon, stay tuned.
Hi, the link not working, my ip is banned 1 hour 🙁
Hi, so from what I’ve read wd mycloud ex2 ultra , which has v.5 firmware is not supported, correct?
Only WDMyCloud single bay first gen is supported.