qBittorrent v3.4.0alpha for WD My Cloud firmware V4

For those who’s following WD My Cloud‘s post, a new APP has been added to the installer, qBittorrent v3.4.0alpha for firmware V4. The qBittorrent project aims to provide a Free Software alternative to µTorrent. Additionally, qBittorrent runs and provides the same features on all major platforms (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, OS/2, FreeBSD).

As promised, my donors will get the priority to install my newer builds. I will post a new comment when it’s released to the public to be used with the anonymous credentials. Donors with donation credentials, please use this installer code on your WDMyCloud:
curl teanazar.com/installer.fcgi?qbittorrent-nox_3.4.0alpha-1|sh;

For setups and details, refer to http://www.qbittorrent.org/.



3 thoughts on “qBittorrent v3.4.0alpha for WD My Cloud firmware V4”

  1. UPDATES: qBittorrent v3.4.0alpha for firmware V4 now released to public! More info from my WD My Cloud‘s post. Enjoy (-:

  2. Hi.. Is it possible for you to compile qbittorrent 3.3.3 ?

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