RC Heli Flying Hobby

I was browsing some old videos and spotted one of which was taken by my wife many years back. It’s been like more than five years since I last flew one of these.

2009 Test flight video at Jalan Bahar

Late evening 7pm test flight at Jalan Bahar. Didn't notice wife shot`em...
Didn’t notice wife shot`em with camera phone…

I started during my school days with a beginners model which I bought online from Hong Kong, the Walkera Dragonfly 36 (yeah with its training skids) in mode-2 transmitter. It looks quite cool to me at that time. Having no RC flying knowledge and could only hover a few inches off the ground for mere seconds, I spent most of the time upgrading its parts for aesthetic purposes.

As I learn how to fly (crashed mostly) with all the hover orientations, I moved onto a slightly stable model, the Belt CP and Hitec Optic 6 transmitter. In my learning path about heli parts and tunings, I found that this heli model is quite sturdy. It took most of my crash and abuse trying to fly proficiently such as figure-8 and perfect close-up nose-in hovers.

2008 Flight Simulator training video

Tryin to move a piroflip
Tryin to move a piroflip…

Influenced by fly-mates and from watching youtube videos of Alan Szabo Jr, I ventured into the world of 3D Flying with help of the electric Beam E4. Inverted hovers, backward flying, inverted flying, Funnels, Tic-Tocs, you name it, were in the basic to-do list. And then the final challenge! Armed training with flight simulators and weeks of training on it, I somehow achieved my goal of trying to attempt a real live Piro Flips although it’s far from perfect (guts counted, most RC-Heli Flyers agrees).

We guys just love nitro don’t we? Urging for more power inflight, I finally got the nitro Trex 600N. This was quite hard for the pocket, not only as a start. Depending on its brand and length, a pair of 600mm blades would cost almost $100 at my local RC stores. And that excludes other parts which would need replacement in an event of a crash.

The Walkera Dragonfly 36 and Belt CP been long decommissioned. Currently the electric Beam E4 and nitro Trex 600 ends up in the storage room after their last crash as I have no time to fix them up due to work and family. Hope that I’ll be able to fly them soon…

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